Saturday, February 13, 2010

backwoods boy and a fairytale princess.

Those of you that know me well, know that I am far from a "fairytale princess." But these words are lyrics from a song that represents our beginning. It's our background, our story, and our love. It's one of those songs... the kind where I look over at Josh and he has the same undeniable grin on his face that I have on mine. If you listen to it, you'll understand.

Our journey began when I was a junior in high school. Josh was 20. It was May of 2001 and we met each other driving down the road (Yes, I'm serious). I had never dated anyone at the time. Josh had. Our relationship started slowly because I was "scared" of boys, but Josh was a charmer, a very persistant charmer. I fell hard.

We had struggles along the way like any young couple. I went away for college. There were various break-ups. No matter what happened or how bad things got, we always seemed to find our way back to each other. On January 9, 2009, Josh asked me to marry him. Our wedding day was ten months later, November 7th, 2009. It was the happiest day of my life.

I have been contemplating the idea of a blog for quite sometime. After talking to Josh, we agreed this will be a great outlet for both our joys and our struggles. Please be patient with me as I get started. I am still trying to figure out where to begin!

God's Blessings,


  1. love. love. love.
    cant wait to read more.

  2. thrilled that you're blogging. love you and can't wait to read it!

  3. I woke up to read this on Valentines Day. It was a perfect way to start my day. Love is in the air..the air waves, keep iy going on!

  4. Hi, my loves! I think this is a fantastic idea and it's a great way to let everyone know what is going on. I hope you know that I'm always here for you and love you both very much!!

  5. Hi Heidi - I am very glad you are blogging... I will follow this and keep your family in my prayers and will pray specifically as to your needs that you post! God Bless to both you and Josh!

  6. Love the blog! We are praying for you guys every day. Remember if you need anything, we are always here for you. love you Josh and Heidi
    God Bless

  7. Love the idea of your blog. Will make it much easier to keep everyone informed. You are in our prayers daily. We have already done the initial testing for the bone marrow donation so if we are lucky enough to be a match we are there for you.God will be with you each step of this journey. It may not be easy but He will be there Always with you. Love you both, let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Love you, Mary & Jeff
